FAQ: General

We provide reasonable prices to suit everyone.

Before you can add events or add products on the website, you need to create an account. It is a very simple process and you can start adding events and products immediately. If you experience any problems, please send us email and we will be able to help; help@simplyreggaefestival.com

Yes, a company or an individual can add multiple events and listings on Simply Reggae Festivals, we do not have any restrictions to the numbers of listings that you can add. Please check the price plan.

If you would like your logo to be featured on the homepage, please contact our team by email; advertise@simplyreggaefestival.com

FAQ: Simply Reggae Festival

We are based in London, United Kingdom, but our platform is a global platform that anyone from any country in the world can list their Reggae Festival

You can pay for your listing using online payments. We accept all major credit cards. If you have problems with online payment, you can contact us to discuss international bank transfer, help@simplyreggaefestival.com

We do not offer free listings; all listings must be paid for in order to show on the website. Listings that are not fully paid or where payment is declined will not show till payment has gone through.

If you contact us by email within 30 working days, we will give you a full refund, please also refer to our refund policy. You can email us; help@simplyreggaefestival.com